Saturday, November 2, 2013

Hawaii: What a Dream

Stetson and I decided to take a week long vacation to Oahu, Hawaii. He had never been. I lived in Laie for a few months while attending a semester at BYU Hawaii and hadn't been back for 5 years. It was the best 25th birthday present I could have hoped for! Between the two of us, we are taking 30 upper-division credits; you throw in Stetson's full-time job and one busy 15-month-old into the mix, and, well, we needed a vacation. We decided to leave Eliza with our moms. I'm so grateful for their willingness to watch her. It really is invigorating to focus solely on each other for an entire week. I loved every second, and I kept trying to take mental pictures of moments I wish I could bottle up and save forever. We took a million pictures, but they just can't capture the combination of the sounds of the waves, the smell of the ocean, the warm sun, the tropical humidity, the relaxed feeling that only comes after a few days in magical Hawaii... all of it. As amazing as it was, we were ready to come home by the end of the week to see our sweet Eliza. We came home feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the world again. That's what a vacation's all about in my book! That and making memories, of course. Oh, and bettering oneself with new experiences, exposing oneself to new cultures and scenes, doing crazy things you never would usually do, doing the simple things you love and wish you could do all the time, and there's more, but I'll stop. I know that was a fragment AND run-on sentence, and I'm not fixing it. I'm so rebellious. If I was reeeeally rebellious I would have thrown parallel structure out the window too, but I didn't. Anyway... back to the trip. Here are some pictures (in random order):

P.S. Those are seriously sharks!

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